The Master's degree in Nuclear Engineering allows students to acquire a deep degree of knowledge in nuclear energy’s theory and practical fundamentals as well as in the technology that is associated to the production of energy by means of nuclear fission’s mass production.
The Master benefits itself from the existing collaboration with ENDESA and with the -CSN- (Nuclear Security Council). Furthermore, other institutions that are involved in the sector’s research ambit also participate in the Master, both in the educational ambit and in reception of students that are willing to carry out internships. An example of these institutions would be the CIEMAT and Spanish companies such as ENUSA, TECNATOM, ENSA, Initec-Westinghouse and ENRESA, amongst others.
The master is addressed to people with scientific-technological university studies in the following sectors:
- Engineering: Industrial Technologies, Materials, Energy, Chemistry, Mechanics and Electricity.
- Other Engineering studies and bachelor Engineering degrees.
- Degrees: Physics, Chemistry
Studies’ organization
This master degree is a combination of theory and practical activities (lecturing classes, autonomous study, resolution of exercises, use of calculus codes and practical sessions in laboratories) with guided visits to several nuclear installations.
An important part of the students’ learning process will come from the resolution of a series of synthesis exercises or transversal projects, by means of PBL activities: Every quarter there will be one subject that will be dedicated to the realization of a project, case or problem, with a transversal character, and with the coordinated participation of the teachers from the different subjects that will be involved.
During the last quarter, the student will carry out a compulsory internship in a company from this sector or in a research and development center. Through the before mentioned quarter, students will also carry out their End of Master Project, preferably with a topic that is related to their internship period.